Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Create circuits easily with "Circuit Scribe"

Circuit creators, now no need to draw circuit and then test it with real wires or batteries. You will get an instant circuit ready at your service with with use of  "Circuit Scribe".  

The image itself says everything about this next big thing in the field of electronics. 

Circuit scribe, is a roller ball pen that writes or draws with conductive silver ink. When the small battery is just placed on it, you can see the light glowing. This is without electricity or circuit wires etc. 

As simple as that. Just draw the circuit and that's it, "Circuit Scribe" will complete the glowing effect for you. 

No smell, no shaking, no squeezing, and no waiting for the ink to dry. Just draw and its done.

The sheet of paper is enough to complete the circuit and make it work with this innovative ball pen called "Circuit Scribe".

You can draw a circuit with "Circuit Scribe" pen and keep a paper clip or coin battery etc to build it. 

A very amazing and beautiful product who have innovated this product called "Circuit Scribe" that saves your time of testing the circuit built.


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