Sunday 5 January 2014

Don't shout or waste your energy behind your dogs...Use "Pet Remote"

Are you struggling to train dogs or your pets? Is controlling your pets has become a problem for you? Then tie a "collar device" that will control the actions of your pets or dogs. 

Pet-Remote, a newly found collar device that is specially designed for controlling dogs via your Smartphone. 

When you want to command your dogs and communicate with it then instead of shouting and running behind it you can control them from your mobiles or tabs or iPad using "Pet Remote".

Pet Remote is a special kind of device that is bluetooth enabled equipped to vibrate or send signals. This gives the masters' voice to rest. Just a small setting has to be made for each action in the iPhone app. 

For example, you can set a signal for sitting in your app and when you tap that option then the collar device reacts by sending the signals and vibrations, which will activate the dog to act accordingly. 

The video shows the device in action.


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